Daily Spiritual Reflection by Rev Fr Awoyemi Emmanuel, Ilorin, Diocese.


1COR 5:1-8; LUKE 6:6-11

As we continue to reflect on the fact that all of us are set apart, consecrated nations (1 Peter 2 and Phil 2), we must never lose sight of one important characteristic that will carry us to the end: "Goodness". The first reading, St Paul continues to encourage the Corinthians on the need for being good. We truly follow Christ or Christians, some things are not supposed to be associated with us for instance, ignorant pride, and arrogance in sinfulness -  all these shouldn’t be found among us Christians. 

The gospel presents us with the scenario between Jesus and the Scribes and Pharisees regarding healing on the Sabbath day. They saw Jesus doing good and they became envious. In summary, the whole message is that we must never stop doing good to those who need it. Doing good is not a shame. However, there are Christians who are now shameless. They do evil with pride. And this is what we see in a society where those who do good are ridiculed and those who do evil are praised. We also see that upright positions are often presented as retrograde and unenlightened while the evil one is presented as attractive and modern. If we are weak with our faith and conviction then we will be intimidated by such kind of manipulation.

Dear brothers and sisters, goodness should be part of our lives. When we lack this virtue, our world will also suffer because many have praised evil and we are suffering today. In other words, our suffering is a result of praise of evil. We must never condone evil to thrive. Let us strive to do good and avoid evil. May God continue to help us in our Christians's journey through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Pax Vobis

Rev. Fr. Awoyemi Emmanuel,
Catholic Diocese of Ilorin, Kwara State,

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