Daily Reflection by Rev Fr. Awoyemi Emmanuel, Ilorin Diocese, Nigeria



[Eph 2: 19-22; Jn 20:24-29]

Today, we celebrate another important personality in the church. Thomas is a person we know for his doubts however, his doubts brought firm faith and belief in God. His confession after seeing Jesus is what we silently use in the liturgical words when the sacred species are raised to the view of all of us ‘My Lord and My God.’ 

The first reading calls to certainty that we are no strangers or sojourners to and with God. We are citizens with the saints and members of the household of God. These words from the readings today should spur in us that Christ is always with us as citizens of heaven. When faced with difficulty or trials, we who call ourselves Christians often want to doubt if God is truly with us. This is almost the situation of Thomas we have in the gospel. We forget that we are no longer strangers to Jesus. We are citizens and friends of Jesus. And since we are friends with Jesus, Jesus cannot disappoint us. In other words, a lot is expected of us. Yes, sometimes we may be faced with difficult moments in our lives that make us doubt if God is true to us but when we look around us, indeed, yes, there may be delays with God answering our prayers or intentions but this does not imply that God is not present with us. When we look around us, we hear testimonies of how God came to the rescue of some of us, how God saved someone from an accident, or how God listened to the prayers of someone. All these are signs telling us that God is still very present and knows us well. Again, questions may arise in our hearts however we must never question the power of God or the goodness of God in our lives. 

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we must always remember that we are no longer strangers but citizens of the household of God.  God will never abandon his own.

We pray through the intercession of St. Thomas whose feast we celebrate that God will come to visit us very soon so that our faith in God will be complete through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Pax Vobis

Rev. Fr. Awoyemi Emmanuel,
Catholic Diocese of Ilorin, Kwara State,

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