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The Above Artwork  demonstrates the distinction between a "leader" and a "boss."

Boss (left side)

    • The portrayal of a boss often involves a solitary figure, symbolizing their authority and self-centeredness by visually accentuating the word "I" with a crown. This imagery effectively communicates the sense of individual power and self-importance associated with the role of a boss. πŸ’ΌπŸ‘‘
    • "Even though the leader stands independently, emanating confidence and authority, it seems as if there is a disconnect with their staff."
    • The detached and disengaged demeanor of the background staff implies that the boss may not be cultivating an environment conducive to collaboration and teamwork. πŸ€”

Leader (right side)

    • The leader is depicted as a valuable member of a cohesive team, emphasizing the term "We," which conveys inclusivity and teamwork. 🌟🀝.
    • The team members and the leader are all dressed the same, symbolizing unity, cooperation, and shared goals. The group's positive and supportive attitude reflects a sense of togetherness and mutual respect. 🌟🀝

The image effectively contrasts the concepts of autocratic leadership (boss) versus collaborative leadership (leader), emphasizing the value of teamwork and collective success over individual authority.

 Here are some meditative questions based on the picture you should ask yourself to determine where you fall:

 It is important to take a moment and reflect on how you perceive yourself in this picture.

    •  Am I seeing myself more as the boss or the leader?  How often do I use "I" versus "we" when interacting with others. Your self-awareness in these matters can make a big difference. 😊
    • - Does my leadership style affect the morale and engagement of my team?,πŸ€”
    • - Do i foster a sense of unity and cooperation within my team?πŸ€”
    • - Do my actions and words impact how my team perceives me? Am I ready to do better and to support and empower my team members? ✨πŸ‘₯

    • -Are there traits of a leader that I respect and hope to develop in myself? 😊
    • - Are my ready to transition from thinking of myself as a boss to embodying the qualities of a leader? πŸ€”

    • : - Are my ready to take steps that will encourage a culture of "we" as opposed to "I"? πŸ€” - 
    • Do you perceive yourself as  sure of that the way you lead promotes shared accomplishments and success within the group? 🌟

    • To what extent am I receptive to my team's input regarding my style of leadership? πŸ€” What adjustments/reactions/inactions/actions do I make to improve as a leader in light of the feedback I receive? πŸ‘

    • To what extent are my aware of my own emotional needs and motives? 
    • How can I improve my relationship with my team and my emotional intelligence? 
You can learn more about your leadership style and pinpoint areas that need work by reflecting on these questions. πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

"I ask again: πŸ’"




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