Homily for 8th Sunday, Year C.
By Fr. Kris Ikegwuonu, MDM (Fr. Galala).
Our words are powerful, let’s watch how we talk. Our words can bless or hurt others, let’s be careful. Our words have consequences, let’s avoid using words that we will regret later.
Today’s first reading and gospel reading present to us the reality of what our words represent. In the first reading, we are told: Do not praise a man before you hear him speak, for this is the test of men. In the gospel reading, Jesus said: For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.
Brothers and sisters, our words reveal 5 things about us: our true natures, our hearts, our true characters, our thoughts, and our spirits. Let us be careful how we use words. Our words summarize our personalities.
Please always remember this: Small minds discuss people. Average minds discuss events. Great minds discuss ideas. Some people talk without control. Some people talk without thinking. Some people talk without choosing their words carefully. Some people gossip about others.
From today’s first reading and gospel reading, we have two solutions on how to control our words. The first solution is: SILENCE. Brothers and sisters, silence is golden. Silence is valuable. In Silence, we grow. I am talking of real, fruitful, peaceful silence and not insulting, unnecessary, mockery silence. Silence is powerful. Some people plan evil in the silence of their hearts or wish others evil things. In silence, we must forgive and let go. Our silence must bear good fruits to make it Godly, genuine and authentic.
The second solution is: THINK. It is very important for us to think before we talk. Be careful what you say, or what you say will be used against you as evidence. Now, what does it mean for us to think before we talk? Let’s use the word THINK.
1) T stands for Truth: Truth is very important. What we have to say to others has to be the truth. Before you say something, if what you are going to say to others is a lie, false, flattery, fake, or misinformation, please don’t say it. Always tell the truth.
2) H stands for Helpful: Our words should be of help to others. Our words should help others to make good decisions and guide them properly in life.
3) I stands for Inspirational: Our words should inspire, influence, and motivate people positively. Let us not use our words to demoralize or discourage others. Our words should be light for others.
4) N stands for Necessity: The necessity of our words is also important. Some of us talk when it is not necessary. Also, some of us say unnecessary things. Brothers and sisters, before we talk, let us ask ourselves, is what I want to say necessary? Some of us talk too much and we can’t control our mouths. Some times, we are not even sure of what we said. It is not everything we see or we hear that we must talk. Gossip is not good.
5) K stands for Kind: We need to always consider the effects of our words on others. Let us use kind words in talking with others. Let us choose good words in talking with others. Let us not hurt others with our words.
Brothers and sisters, let us pray: Oh God, help us to use good words in talking with others. Oh Jesus Christ, forgive us for the bad words we have used. Oh Holy Spirit, teach us the right words to use, through Christ Our Lord amen.
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