Show HN: Polaris, a self-hosted music streaming server in Rust

Show HN: Polaris, a self-hosted music streaming server in Rust I'm happy to announce the release of Polaris 0.15.0 . Polaris is a self-hosted music streaming server, to enjoy your music collection from any computer or mobile device. It is free and open-source software, without any kind of premium version. This release is the biggest one since Polaris' humble beginnings 9 years ago. It's technically not a rewrite but there is not much code that was left untouched. The highlights are: - New visual design for the web client (screenshots[1]) - Ability to browse the music collection by artist/album/genre, not only by file - Support for multi-value fields in song metadata (eg. multiple artists on the same song) - Revamped search functionality, now supporting per-field queries and boolean operators - Android client now supports search and playlists (and all the new features from this release) See the changelog[2] for a complete list of improvements. This release is a result of many months of work. I hope all the love and effort I put into it are visible in the end result . [1]: [2]: February 4, 2025 at 11:54PM

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