Show HN: I built a task manager that finally separates "Do" & "Due" dates

Show HN: I built a task manager that finally separates "Do" & "Due" dates Hi HN, I’m the founder of Zesfy, a productivity app that I’ve been developing over the past few years. It’s designed to seamlessly integrate your tasks with your calendar, allowing you to transform your to-do lists into actionable events in just seconds. Here are some of its key features: - Task Progress: Automatically update your progress based on subtasks completed - Step: Create step-by-step breakdown of the subtask - Target: Organize tasks with due date - Session: Insert multiple tasks to calendar event - Space: Filter event from specific sets of calendars I recently introduced new features that often missing from other productivity apps: the ability to set both “Do” and “Due” dates. With these features, you can effortlessly plan your tasks for the day while keeping track the upcoming due dates. What makes Zesfy unique is it separates tasks you’ve planned and those that are already scheduled in your calendar, giving you a more organized and flexible workflow. App Store: October 23, 2024 at 04:52AM

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