Show HN: Tato – Python file layout formatter

Show HN: Tato – Python file layout formatter Hey HN, I’m excited to share Tato, a Python file layout formatter that organizes your code into a consistent structure. Unlike other code autoformatters like black and ruff, Tato focuses solely on reorganizing the layout of your files without touching your code’s syntactic style. The idea for Tato came to me while navigating a neglected corner of a large codebase. I found myself struggling with the chaotic organization of some files. A bit of git investigation revealed how the structure of these files had deteriorated over time due to countless small changes. I realized that enforcing a strongly opinionated, consistent layout would be an improvement over the existing disarray. September 4, 2024 at 04:59AM

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Show HN: Turn PDFs into HTML Tables

Show HN: Turn PDFs into HTML Tables September 22, 2024 at 04:21AM