Show HN: JAQT – JavaScript Queries and Transformations

Show HN: JAQT – JavaScript Queries and Transformations Hi all, I've made a javascript library to simplify searching/sorting/filtering in arrays of objects. Its inspired by both GraphQL and SQL, but implemented using javascript Proxies. Instead of creating a new language, its all just javascript. I've made it as part of an experimental database, which uses javascript as the query engine. The normal javascript map/reduce/sort functions are quite difficult to master for junior developers. JAQT is easier to explain, and can still be used in combination with any existing array functions. Please let me know what you think of the API and its ease of use! September 15, 2024 at 11:08PM

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Show HN: CNC Microscopy for Fun

Show HN: CNC Microscopy for Fun September 19, 2024 at 10:59AM