Show HN: Interactive map of the convenience store "turf war" in Japan

Show HN: Interactive map of the convenience store "turf war" in Japan Technologies used: Leaflet (frontend) Turf (Geojson generation and Voronoi generation) I noticed that my neighborhood is all Lawsons, so I got the location of all Conbinis and ran some basic analysis to see if these pockets of brand territory are common. I haven't worked much with web frontends before, so feedback is welcomed. I also have some ideas to maybe expand upon, like making the territory calculations based on streets and other geographical features rather than just beeline distance. The site isn't tested too much on mobile yet, but should be ok. Currently the frontend code and geojson files can be found at the public repo: . I will upload the backend code soon as I am cleaning it up and reorganizing it. September 23, 2024 at 03:49AM

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