Daily Reflection by Rev Fr Awoyemi Emmanuel, ILORIN DIOCESE, NIGERIA



(1 Corinthians 2:10-16, Luke 4:31-37)

Today, the church celebrates one of the great priests and pastors. Just a few saints were given that title great because of the many things they did for the church. For St. Gregory whose memorial we celebrate, is a man who is a Benedictine monk and later founded six monasteries. He worked tirelessly for the conversion of England. A very strong and firm man who was very strict in his papacy as Pope. He enforced discipline such that many priests were dismissed because of their unworthy nature. 

Following the life of St. Gregory the Great, we can see that he was a spiritual man and a person full of wisdom. St. Paul admonishes us to always make sure we make ourselves spiritual by meditating on the word of God. When we become spiritual, the spirit of wisdom dwells in us so that we can be able to interpret and understand the things of God. We can equally be able to determine who is from God and who is not from God. 

We see what happened in the gospel. After preaching and teaching and healing of the demoniac, the people were impressed by the authority with which Jesus taught. We are told how Jesus, as God Incarnate, exercised Divine authority to cast out the devil by just one compound command: “Be silent and come out of him!” The demon obeyed at once, throwing the man it had possessed to the floor amid the people in the synagogue on its departure. The people were impressed with Jesus’ power and authority that could command even evil spirits.

Dear brothers and sisters, we continue to rely on God. Let our Faith be based on the Divinity of Christ, demonstrated by His miracles, which in turn give authority and validity to His teaching and promises. Hence, let us accept Jesus’ teachings, even if some of them are mysteries beyond our understanding. 

2) Let us read the authoritative word of God every day and assimilate it into our lives. 

3) In our illnesses, let us confidently approach Jesus the Healer with trusting Faith first, then go to the doctors who are the ordinary instruments of Jesus’ healing ministry in our midst.

May St. Gregory continue to intercede for us through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Rev. Fr. Awoyemi Emmanuel,
Catholic Diocese of Ilorin, Kwara State,

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