Daily Reflection by Rev Fr Awoyemi Emmanuel, Ilorin Diocese, Nigeria


1COR 2:1-5; LUKE 4:16-30

As we continue to meditate on true religion, we are presented today with the conviction of Paul in the worship of God and the service of humanity. St. Paul tells us about the wisdom we need to have to know the person we serve or worship. We need wisdom and knowledge to know the person of Christ. The lack of this might bring disaster to us because we may be deceived just as many Christians have been deceived. Today’s Gospel presents to us the Inaugural speech of Jesus.  The conviction of what and who we worship. If truly we call ourselves Christians and we worship Jesus, then we must be able to offer the same manifesto or inaugural speech offered to the people in the synagogue. This time around, we must be able to proclaim release to those who are in captivity of error. In other words, teach those who have erroneous ideology to the truth. Recovering of sight to the blind: how many of us are blind to the truth. To set liberty to those who are oppressed and proclaim the Lord’s year. All these are components of the true Christian religion

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, whenever we are called to practice our religion, we must face rejection, and sometimes with prophetic courage and optimism, we must experience the pain of rejection, betrayal, abandonment, violated trust, neglect, or abuse from our friends, families, or childhood companions.

Let us not, like the people in Jesus’ hometown, reject God in our lives. We must learn to respect and accept and finally be able to reason out other religions whenever we are confronted with relying on the help of God. 

Therefore, the question we must ask ourselves is does our pride prevent us from recognizing God’s direction, help, and support in our lives through His words in the Bible, through the teachings of the Church, and the advice and examples of others? We must have the prophetic courage of our convictions. This passage challenges us to have the courage of our Christian convictions in our day-to-day lives in our communities when we face hatred and rejection because of our Christian Faith.


Rev. Fr. Awoyemi Emmanuel,
Catholic Diocese of Ilorin, Kwara State,

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