Sunday Homily/Reflection By {04/08/2024} Fr. Kris Ikegwuonu, MDM (Fr. Galala).


Homily for 18th Sunday, Year B. 

Recently, on Friday, 26th July, during the opening ceremony of the Olympics, there was a presentation, which happened to be a mockery of our Catholic faith. It was a demonstration of the last supper. But what was presented was a scandal and very offensive to Catholics. It has been condemned by Catholics all over the world. I see that presentation as an indication of ignorance and disregard for what we hold sacred as Catholics. Our faith in the Holy Eucharist, as Catholics, is solid, firm, reasonable and true.

Today, in the gospel reading, Jesus declared: I am the Bread of Life. What does that statement mean? That statement is a summation of the personality, identity, potency, quality and veracity of who Jesus is and what He can do. That statement affirms that Jesus is the beginning and end of our lives. That statement reveals that Jesus is the only one who can nourish us, satisfy us, sustain us, feed us, keep us and help us. That statement is a declaration that nullifies and destroys the mockery from the opening ceremony of the Olympics. 

When Jesus said: I am the Bread of Life,  it connects with the last supper when He took Bread, broke it and gave it to us as His Body. It means that the Holy Eucharist we receive during the Holy Mass is the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Bread of Life. It is real and authentic. Always remember, Jesus is truly present in the Holy Eucharist. No mockery can destroy that. No false ideology can remove that. No evil plans can stop that. Nobody can cancel that.  I am proud to be a Catholic. What about you?

In the gospel reading, we are told: Jesus is the only Bread from heaven to give us life, to strengthen us on life’s journey, to energize us when we are weak, to nourish us when we are existentially hungry, to sustain us when we are hopeless, and to keep us going. In summary, no Jesus Christ, no life. 

There are two things we need to truly enjoy this Bread of Life. Jesus said: he who comes to me shall not hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst. Two key words here: Come and Believe. 

Brothers and sisters, Come as you are. 

Come in humility.

Come and be saved.

Come to Jesus, the Bread of Life. 

Believe and don’t doubt. 

Believe and don’t worry yourself. 

Believe and surrender. 

Believe and grow. 

The choice is yours!

Brothers and sisters, let’s pray. May Jesus Christ the Bread of Life sanctify us, purify us, satisfy us, and qualify us, both now and forever amen.

Rev. Fr. Kris Ikegwuonu, MDM (Fr. Galala). [08034357990]

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