Show HN: Visual Sudoku Solver in the Browser (With OpenCV and TensorFlow)

Show HN: Visual Sudoku Solver in the Browser (With OpenCV and TensorFlow) Hello! I recently wanted to learn a bit about computer vision. Initially, I wanted to build something which could solve a jigsaw puzzle, but figured I should start with something (much) simpler, so I've built this instead. This is a visual Sudoku solver which runs in the browser. It works by using OpenCV to identify and process the Sudoku grid, passing this to a simple ML model to identify the digits, and then solving the puzzle with a backtracking algorithm. The ML model was trained on the TMNIST data set using a model built with Keras, also a completely new area to me. It's far from perfect, and doesn't like non perfectly lit or overly warped puzzles, but the main goal here was learning, which I did, a lot. As this was primarily a learning project, I've tried to document my approach as much as possible, which can be found in this Python notebook: I used Python while exploring OpenCV and training the models etc, and eventually ported this over to web (OpenCV.js + Tensorflow.js) to get something I could actually share with people. Feel free to have a dig around the source or play around with the solver! Github: August 20, 2024 at 02:49AM

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