Show HN: Ruroco – like port knocking, but better

Show HN: Ruroco – like port knocking, but better Hey there HN! ruroco (RUn RemOte COmmand) is a tool that lets you execute commands on a server by sending UDP packets (instead of knocking on ports). the tool consist of 3 binaries: - client -> runs on your notebook/computer and sends the UDP packets - server -> receives the UDP packets and makes sure that they are valid - commander -> runs the command encoded by the data of the UDP packet if it's valid The commands are configured on the server side, so the client does not define what is going to be executed, it only picks from existing commands. I use this tool to open up the SSH port on my server via ufw, but only for the IP address from where I'm connecting, so the SSH port appears closed for everyone else, except me. This is my very first "real" rust project, so any feedback is highly appreciated :) Enjoy! August 23, 2024 at 12:19AM

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Show HN: CNC Microscopy for Fun

Show HN: CNC Microscopy for Fun September 19, 2024 at 10:59AM