Show HN: Maxims: a scrappy embedding visualizer and commonplace book replacement

Show HN: Maxims: a scrappy embedding visualizer and commonplace book replacement Hey HN, I've been working on this little web-app in my spare time, in between my classes and over the summer holidays. I was frustrated by how many intersting quotes/tweets/photos I liked and then subsequently forgot. I wanted a way to keep track of all of them, and see how similar ideas and statements related to each other. Having seen , and other text embedding visualizations (via PCA, UMAP, t-SNE), I thought this would be a fun place to start. Here's an sharing link with some quotes I liked (mostly C.S. Lewis): Features: - Image uploads (no sharing support yet) - Tagging - Vector-based text search - Sharing points - Changing dimension reduction technique - Local first (syncing was a real pain, but it lead to a 10x speed boost) Disclaimer: This is just a project I made for fun. It is scrappy, hacky, janky, and so forth. There may (and likely will) be undiscovered bugs and issues. Please don't put any sensitive info into here. I hope you like it! Let me know what you think :) - Wyatt ( ) August 6, 2024 at 05:28AM

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