Daily Reflection by Rev Fr Awoyemi Emmanuel, Ilorin Diocese


{Jer 31:1-7; Mat 15:21-28}

Today’s Gospel episode speaks of the expansive and universal nature of the “Kingdom of God,” in contrast with the theory that salvation was offered first to the Jews and through them alone to the rest of the world. In fact, God included all nations in His plan for salvation and blessed all the families of the earth in Abraham (Gn 17:1-5). In today’s Gospel episode, Jesus demonstrates that salvation was meant for the Gentiles as well as for the Jews by healing the daughter of a Gentile woman as a reward for her strong, trusting Faith, unwavering trust, perseverance, wit, and humility. Thus, Jesus shows that God’s mercy and love are available to all who call out to Him in Faith.

The lessons we can get from the gospel passage today are:

Firstly, We need to persist in prayer and also have trustful confidence. Although the essential parts of prayer are adoration, praise, thanksgiving, and contrition, the prayer of petition plays a big part in our daily lives. Christ Himself has told us to ask him for these needs: “Ask and you shall receive.” Asking with fervor and perseverance proves that we have the “great Faith” we need to receive what Christ wants to grant us in response to our requests. We must realize and remember that we do not always get exactly what we ask for. Rather, God gives us what He knows we really need, what He wants for us, and what is really best for us. If our prayer is sincere and persevering, we will always get an answer — one which is better than what we asked for.

Secondly, We need to pull down our walls of separation and share in the universality of God’s love: Very often we set up walls which separate us from God and from one another. Today’s Gospel reminds us that God’s love and mercy are extended to all who call on Him in Faith and trust, no matter who they are. It is therefore fitting that we should pray and work sincerely so that the walls which our pride, intolerance, fear, and prejudice have raised may crumble.


Rev. Fr. Awoyemi Emmanuel,
Catholic Diocese of Ilorin, Kwara State,

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