Show HN: I Built an AI That Matches Perfumes with Their Closest Twins

Show HN: I Built an AI That Matches Perfumes with Their Closest Twins Hey HN! Ever wondered if there’s a fragrance out there that smells just like your favorite but from a completely different brand? That’s what got me thinking, and after a weekend of deep work, I created DupeFinderAI. What It Does: DupeFinderAI is an AI-powered tool that scans and compares thousands of perfumes, identifying those that share nearly identical notes and aromas. Whether you're curious about scent similarities or just love discovering new perfumes, this tool has you covered. How I Built It: - Scraped data from 40,000+ perfumes over a weekend - Used that data to train the AI on recognizing fragrance profiles - Focused on making the experience smooth and intuitive Why It’s Cool: Finds "scent twins" across different brands Helps you explore new fragrances based on ones you already love Could even be useful for perfumers and fragrance enthusiasts alike I’d love to hear your feedback, ideas, and any thoughts on how to improve it! Check it out and let me know what you think. August 18, 2024 at 01:13AM

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