Show HN: – I built it to get rid of stress and relax

Show HN: – I built it to get rid of stress and relax The feedback I've had for it so far is mind blowing "I love it" "Oddly satisfying" "Satisfying" "Can't stop playing with this" "Nice" "You're crazy, well shipped" "Highly therapising process 10/10 would recommend!" "10/10 Internet" "Popped a few.. I feel happy now" "Gosh darn it. I feel better now." "Good app to end the day" "My work progress is wrecked from now on" "I will make it my routine to pop these at the end of each work day" ... and more! I submitted a form somewhere once and they showed me a confetti. Made me feel good. But to see it again I'd have to keep resubmitting the form - not a long term and sustainable solution, right? So I built ConfettiTherapy (.com) so we can all pop UNLIMITED confettis every single day August 30, 2024 at 01:04AM

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Show HN: CNC Microscopy for Fun

Show HN: CNC Microscopy for Fun September 19, 2024 at 10:59AM