Sunday Homily/Reflection by Fr. Kris Ikegwuonu, MDM (Fr. Galala)


Homily for 14th Sunday (7/7/2024), Year B. 

The saddest part of today’s gospel reading was when we read that Jesus couldn’t perform any mighty work in his hometown because of their unbelief. What led to that? The people of his hometown disregarded Jesus and looked down on him. They felt they knew him and his background. This is a clear example of Familiarity breeds contempt. This is also called “see finish”. One of the biggest problems we also have today in our relationship with God is Familiarity. Many of us have gotten so familiar with God, with spiritual things that we have no respect or regard for God or spiritual things. Familiarity has affected marriages, families, friendships, relationships and places of work. Familiarity affects our Christian lives so much.

Brothers and sisters, from today’s gospel reading, what are some of the dangers of Familiarity in our Christian lives?

Familiarity leads to lack of faith.

Familiarity leads to lack of respect for Holy places, Holy persons, people and Holy objects.

Familiarity leads to lack of prayer life.

Familiarity leads to lack of respect for the Holy Eucharist and sacraments.

Familiarity leads to lack of respect for the word of God.

Familiarity leads to ingratitude to God. 

Familiarity leads to lack of contentment. 

Familiarity leads to entitlement. 

Familiarity leads to hatred.

Brothers and sisters, how can we overcome this sickness of familiarity to grow spiritually? 

1) Begin afresh. Start a new relationship with God today.

2) Always humble yourself before God. 

3) Renew your faith in God daily.

4) Be grateful to God daily.

5) Go for confession regularly. 

6) Let love and forgiveness reign.

7) Respect priests, people, holy places and Holy objects. 

In conclusion, let us pray: May God show us mercy and purify us.  May God help us to grow spiritually, through Christ Our Lord amen.

By Fr. Kris Ikegwuonu, MDM (Fr. Galala)

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