Daily Reflection by Rev Fr Awoyemi Emmanuel, Ilorin Diocese, Nigeria



[Amos 8:4-6,9-12, Matthew 9:9-13]

"I desire mercy, and not sacrifice. For I came not to call the righteous but sinners" Matt 9: 13

One thing that we all must run from is the wrath of God. But even sometimes the wrath of God is merciful enough to turn us away from our evil deeds. This can only happen if we truly want God to show us mercy by us in turn, showing mercy to those we ought to show mercy to. Remember Mat 5: 7 says, blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy.

From the first reading, we see the Prophet calling out those who lord it over the poor, the widows and orphans that their days will soon come to an end. Many of us know that the poor in the society, the widows, orphans, and the oppressed are very close to the heart of God. If we must know, God is everything to them. Psalm 68:5 says that God is the Father to the fatherless and a defender of the widows; Psalm 103:6 says the Lord executes righteousness and justice for all the oppressed, etc. We may want to ask why is God so close to these persons in society. This is because they do not have who to run to for justice and of course, man’s justice is not of standard compared to the Justice of God. The justice of God cannot be compared to any justice system in the world.

This justice of God can be seen as the Mercy of God. This is true because for God’s wrath to descend on someone or something, certain warnings must have been passed. This can come through the mouthpiece of God as we find in the first reading through the prophets or as we see God calling the young tax collector in the gospel. Yes, we saw how Matthew was called. Matthew never imagined that the person of Christ could call him. Tax collectors are oppressors and cheaters. They collect more than the usual amount stipulated by the government. It is because of this that the people hated them and they termed them as sinners. The moment Matthew heard his name, we are told he left everything and went with Jesus. This call is a sign of God's mercy to Matthew.

Dear brothers and sisters, if we are in that space of cheating, doing evil to those who are in this category such as the orphans, widows, less privileged, poor, etc I beg us in the name of God to desist from it. Jesus tries to correct us again that being rich is not a sin but when you do not make use of that state in your life to enrich those around you, then it becomes a sin. We must never oppress the poor or less privileged or widows or orphans in society. Have a merciful heart for it is in showing mercy that we too can obtain mercy from God. Jesus has taught us so, we too must do so if truly we are citizens and friends of Jesus.

Pax Vobis

Rev. Fr. Awoyemi Emmanuel,
Catholic Diocese of Ilorin, Kwara State,

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