Daily Reflection by Rev. Fr. Awoyemi Emmanuel, Ilorin Diocese, Nigeria


[Hosea 10:1-3,7-8,12, Matthew 10:1-7]

Today, we see the call and purpose of the vocation of the disciples of Jesus: to preach the Good News. This is what is called missionary mandate. Two important things that are very spectacular are the fact that Jesus instructed them not to go to the Samaritans and Gentiles but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and we shall also look at the caliber of persons He sent.

When we examine the first, Jesus told his disciples to go to the lost sheep. We can fine-tune this to be many Catholics who have found themselves in other religions or Christian denominations. It is true that we profess the same Amen and to one God; however many who left do not understand the treasure they have left behind. It is our duty just as the apostles who have been given that mandate to reach out to these persons, let them know what they are missing out and of course, make them realize that they are still our brothers.

The second thing is the caliber of people that Jesus gave the mandate. These were ordinary people, hardworking fishermen with no social status, and yet, God saw loyalty and zealousness, commitment, etc in them. These were men who were nobody in the society. They had nothing. Another thing that I think we need to be careful of is when we have abundant resources or wealth. When there is an abundance, many people tend not to acknowledge God just as we see in the first reading. When the people had enough, they were saying to themselves that it was their effort but just like I told us yesterday, without God, we are nothing. We must learn to acknowledge and give reverence to God who is the maker of heaven and earth and who gives us the grace to be who we are.

Another important thing that we must look at very closely is the strange mix of people: Matthew was a hated tax collector; Simon the zealot, a fanatical nationalist who wished to destroy the Roman rule; the others were mostly fishermen with lots of goodwill and patience. All these people were united because of their love for Jesus. 

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we all have the same mission. This mission is entrusted to us by Jesus Himself. We live out this mission, first, by proclaiming the gospel and then living out and promoting missionary activities through prayer, moral support, and financial aid.

May God bless us as we go about our missionary mandate. Amen.

Pax Vobis       


 Rev. Fr. Awoyemi Emmanuel,
Catholic Diocese of Ilorin, Kwara State,

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