Daily Reflection by Rev. Fr. Awoyemi Emmanuel, Ilorin Diocese, Nigeria



Prophet Amos is known as the prophet of doom. Doom to who? Doom to the rich and to those who feel they are above the law. To the rich, because they extort the poor with their greed for wealth, and to those who think they are above the law, they go to the extent of suppressing the poor, making lives miserable for the less privileged. 

From the first reading, the Prophet brings to mind three evils associated with the Jewish people and most time to us here. Firstly, substituting the things of God with mundane things. Many Christians today find themselves taking the things that are supposed to be accorded to God, being given to mere strange and fetish gods. This is what is called idolatry. It is one of the gravest sins committed against God. The second and third are like same. They engaged in evil actions done by men to their fellow men by suppressing and inflicting pain on the poor.

Dear brothers and sisters, as Christians and representatives of God, we are called to never engage in anything that will bring the wrath of God to our lives and families. This is why in the gospel pericope, we see Jesus correcting the disciples who wish to follow Jesus: let the dead bury the dead -  a statement that Jesus made to correct a formal assertion on discipleship or followership by saying “let the dead bury the dead”

The lesson before us is that we must never take the things that should be accorded to God and be given to lesser beings or gods. Treat people not with wigs of disdain but with a natural respect for the things of God.

I pray for God’s guidance on every one of us. Amen.

Pax Vobis

Rev. Fr. Awoyemi Emmanuel,
Catholic Diocese of Ilorin, Kwara State,

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