Show HN: I Made a Project Management Software for Freelancers

Show HN: I Made a Project Management Software for Freelancers After about 2 months of coding and many late nights I just finished building this simple project management tool that I designed to be specifically for freelancers. Tell me what you think, I am trying to get better at building with NextJS, thank you for any feedback. There is a 10 day free trial if you want to buy it outright. I made this as I didn't like the other tools out there and thought about how the tool could be specialised for freelancers. June 15, 2024 at 08:35AM

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Sunday Homily/Reflection by Fr. Kris Ikegwuonu, MDM (Fr. Galala)

  Homily for 14th Sunday (7/7/2024), Year B.  The saddest part of today’s gospel reading was when we read that Jesus couldn’t perform any mi...