Daily Reflection by Rev. Fr. Awoyemi Emmanuel, Ilorin Diocese, Nigeria

Homily for Tuesday {25/06/2024}, 12th Week in Ordinary Time B

It is no doubt that the problems of this world are overwhelming. But the question is: where do we run to when we have difficulties? Many have chosen the wrong part and many are still doing same. What we fail to understand is that these problems are for a purpose and that purpose is to acknowledge the power of God and to celebrate the glory of God.

From the first reading, King Hezekiah trusted in God for his deliverance and God did not abandon him. Remember Psalm 89, "when the children of God call upon me in their distress, I will answer them". Our God is not an absconditus. Our God is always present with us. His nature which is Holy should give us that insight of his faithfulness. This is why the gospel presents to us the perfect nature of God. This nature which is His Holiness, should never be dragged to a mud by us. By this I mean, when we have challenges, and not only challenges but even victories, we much channel it to the one who is Holy and maker of our lives. The golden rule that was sited in the gospel should also give us the insight that when we treat the things of God as it should be treated, God will also treat us well

Dear friends in Christ, God wants us to channel our course to him and him alone. We all know that our God is a jealous God and so we must do what is expected of us by returning everything to him. Remember, in sickness, take it to God; in poverty, take it to God; in victories also take it to God. In all, when we honor God , God will honor us.

Pax Vobis

Rev. Fr. Awoyemi Emmanuel,
Catholic Diocese of Ilorin, Kwara State,

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