Treasures are things of inestimable value. They are priceless. These are things that are precious to us. Things that we cannot toil or play over with. Treasures can be in the form of anything that we hold so dear to us. A typical example is what we find in 1 Kings 21:1-16; the vineyard that belongs to Naboth in which the King wants to collect. Here we see treasure in the form of a land or vineyard. There are other forms such as life, jewels, faith, etc. Talking about life and our being, how many of us know that as humans, we are treasures? What do we think will go wrong when people no longer value life? What kind of teaching do we teach such that some persons see life as nothing compared to cattle? Hence, estimatng the value of the life of animals such as cattles, dogs etc than that of a human being. As a man or woman, do we even know we are of inestimable values to ourselves? Many of us have low self-esteem and it has affected us such that the things we do, make someone wonder if we knew who we truly are. How about our faith? We have heard times without number what the Catholic Church stands for. These statements are not coming from the Catholic priests. No, these statements are coming from our separated brethren. And yet, Catholics don’t know what they have and you see many of our children leaving the church all in the name of some baseless reasons. There is a document about a particular church. This document states that the church members must go out to marry Catholics. And when this is done, they must do well to convert these Catholics to their church, though not sure if it's true or not; Notwithstanding though, many of our Catholic brethren have fallen and are still falling for this because many of us do not know the value of our faith and the treasure that we possess.

From the gospel, we see how our Lord Jesus Christ tells us to store up treasures that will last where moth and rust cannot consume. But unfortunately, many of us have allowed moth and rust to dampen on our treasures. The funny thing is that we don’t even know what we have any longer. What is the reason for this? Our eyes have misled us or we have allowed ourselves to be misled by our sight and so, what we see, we think it is ideal but many of these things are deception. When our eyes are fixed on good things, our faith, our body, or our being will be well. Many of the menace in the country today is what many of our children have seen and they believe it is the ideal. Truth be told. But this is not what we are supposed to be or where we are supposed to be. 

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we have too many fake lives, fake religion, fake pastors, fake prophets, fake things out there. No one will cover your eyes not to see but as you see, let your faculty of reasoning be active. We pray that the treasure that God has given to us, will not be dampened by the power of darkness. We also pray that God will give us the grace through the intercession of St. Aloysius Gonzanga to treasure all that God has given to us with so much care not to lose the treasure he has given to us. Amen.

Pax Vobis

Rev. Fr. Awoyemi Emmanuel,
Catholic Diocese of Ilorin, Kwara State,

1 comment:

Awoyemi Adeoye said...

May Almighty God give Us All the Grace where our treasure hearts ought to be in Heaven just so that our existence on earth is based on love, truth and peace. Amen!!

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