Sunday Homily/Reflection By Fr. Kris Ikegwuonu, MDM (Fr. Galala).

 Homily for 17th Sunday {28/07/2024}, 

Year B. 

From the beginning of creation, multiplication has been central to the purpose and agenda of God for humanity. God is the most effective Multiplier in the Universe. At the beginning of creation, God said: Be fruitful and Multiply (Gen.1:28). Multiplication means to reproduce something many times its original number. Multiplication is a Must in God’s scheme of creation. When God establishes a Covenant of Multiplication with a Person, Family, or group of people, His creative power produces multiplier effects.

Today, in the gospel reading, we see a manifestation of the power of God for multiplication when Jesus multiplied five loaves of bread and two fish to feed the people. What a great miracle! 

Brothers and sisters, important points to note about today’s gospel reading are: 

1) Jesus cares about us and He wants to feed us and help us.

2) Jesus has the power to satisfy our needs according to His will. 

3) When Jesus intervenes, there is always divine multiplication. Jesus is d initiator, creator, producer, manufacturer, inventor of Divine multiplication. When JESUS intervenes, Hunger and stress are relieved, Prayer requests are answered, Hearts and Souls are comforted, Sicknesses and pains are healed, and Our “FIVE LOAVES” are blessed and multiplied. There is No failure in God's Dictionary.

Brothers and sisters, in this mass and always, Divine multiplication is our portion. 

Now, there are some things we need to learn from today’s gospel reading. I call them the secrets of Divine multiplication. Let’s look at some of them:

1) Share with others what you have: The little boy in the gospel reading shared his food with others and it was multiplied. In this life, always share what you have, no matter how small. Be a giver. Touch people’s lives and help others.

2) Don’t argue with Jesus. Don’t doubt Jesus. Always trust and believe in Jesus. Philip and Andrew in the gospel reading forgot who Jesus is and what Jesus can do. There are two types of people in life: the pessimistic people. They only see negativity or impossibility in everything. We also have the optimistic people. They see positivity and possibility in everything. I encourage you today, be optimistic. With God, all things are possible. It is only a matter of time. 

3) Put what you have in the hands of Jesus for Divine multiplication. Jesus multiplied what was given to him. Give Jesus something and He will multiply it. Stop expecting a miracle from Jesus when you have not given anything to Him. Divine multiplication is not done in emptiness.

4) Thanksgiving is very important. Before the multiplication of bread and fish, Jesus gave thanks to God. Thanksgiving opens heaven. Thanksgiving brings increase, growth and divine multiplication. Thanksgiving is powerful. Everyday, always remember to thank God. 

Brothers and sisters, let us pray. May God give you all divine multiplication in your lives and your families. May God intervene always in your life. May God grant you your heart desires, through Christ Our Lord amen.

Rev. Fr. Kris Ikegwuonu, MDM (Fr. Galala). [08034357990]

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