Show HN: Merlin – Contextual Intelligence Agent for GTM

Show HN: Merlin – Contextual Intelligence Agent for GTM Hi HN! We are building [Merlin]( ), a GTM intelligence platform that gathers contextual insights about prospects and key stakeholders, so sellers don’t have to spend hours on tedious research tasks across hundreds of companies. Our thesis is that content generation and workflow/sequence automation providers are generating a lot of noise in social media (and inboxes) today and they are making the problem of outbound sales worse. We believe that every customer interaction (emails, cold calls or discovery calls) should be powered by intelligence. With the relevant insights, the user can make an informed decision whether to contact the prospect, understand what the prospect is interested in and what are their pain points that the user can solve. We’ve built two main features: Lite Intel - allows you to ask any number of questions across 100s companies. Please feel free to try out this feature for free - Deep Intel - provides contextual insights about prospects and key buyers, by automatically understanding the user’s solution and service. This includes identifying new qualified leads based on contextual intelligence, instead of filtering based on # of employees, sectors and technology used. There are several use cases you can apply with our contextual insights: 1. Qualify leads 2. Identify new highly qualified accounts 3. Draft hyper targeted emails 4. Prepare for discovery and follow-up calls 5. We’d love to hear suggestions of other use cases. Could be non-GTM related too We believe the future is in Insights-Led Growth . We’re still pretty early in the development and want to keep on improving on our contextual insights. Any feedback is much appreciated! Thank you in advance! July 29, 2024 at 11:17PM

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